Sudbury Rainbow Crime Stoppers’ Youth Opioid Awareness Campaign


Sudbury Rainbow Crime Stoppers is proud to announce the launch of the second phase of our Youth Opioid Awareness Campaign (YOAC). This phase includes four interview videos and four YOAClip videos that will be rolled out bi-weekly and feature the following community partners:

- The Regional Coroner’s Office

- Laurentian University Forensic Science Department

- Sudbury Action Centre for Youth

- Greater Sudbury Police Service

- Ontario Provincial Police

We are pleased to announce the release of our third YOAClip video featuring Dr. Emily Groot, the former Regional Supervising Coroner of the North Region - Sudbury office. Dr. Emily Groot speaks to how opioids affect the body and some of the risk factors associated with opioids.

Please continue to watch for our upcoming videos over the next couple of weeks. These videos provide valuable insights about the opioid crisis affecting our community from opioid overdose deaths to the toxicity of drugs and harm reduction strategies from the perspectives of our community partners. You can access the fourth video on our YouTube channel.

As members of our local, provincial, national and global communities it is a social imperative that we all do everything in our power to mitigate the negative impacts of the opioid crisis. From the health and wellness of individuals and their families to the burden on our law enforcement and health care systems, the opioid epidemic has taken its toll on our society. The opioid crisis is an emerging public safety issue in our community; for these reasons, the depth and breadth of the problem cannot be understated. While this campaign was designed to target youth, the campaign’s important message is relevant to us all.

The Youth Opioid Awareness Campaign was developed as a crime prevention and health promotion initiative that raises awareness of the inherent risks, outcomes and impacts of opioid use and addiction among youth. It is also a drug-reduction strategy aimed at empowering people to utilize Crime Stoppers’ safe, 100% anonymous tipster program to share what they know with local law enforcement, thereby reducing the presence and impact of illicit opioids in our community. The campaign provides community members with the tools and resources necessary to discuss the opioid crisis and how it affects youth.

A representative from Sudbury Rainbow Crime Stoppers would be happy to deliver a live, remote YOAC presentation tailored to your group upon request. For more information about the second phase of our YOAC or to request a presentation please contact us using the contact information below.


Sudbury Rainbow Crime Stoppers

705.675.9171 ext.5692












Sudbury Rainbow Crime Stoppers’ Illegal Dumping Campaign

We are proud to announce the launch of Phase 1 of our new Illegal Dumping Campaign. The campaign is the product of the endeavors of a variety of environmental stakeholders and community partners. While illegal dumping is not a new issue it is an emergent topic in our community; based on our preliminary research citizens are poised to mobilize around this issue in our community!

Illegal dumping is a crime that affects everyone in our community from citizens, to wildlife, to our environment itself. Mitigating the effects of illegal dumping will help ensure the sustainability of our environment so that it can be enjoyed, not only by current residents, but by future generations of Sudburians. 

The Illegal Dumping Campaign will consist of three phases. In Phase 1 we will conduct survey research to determine the scope of the problem in our region and to identify illegal dumping hotspots. During Phase 2 we will erect signs advising citizens that illegal dumping is a crime and how to report it in hotspots identified during Phase 1. During Phase 3 we will mobilize our volunteers to assist local environmental groups to clean up waste on our land and in our lakes and waterways. 

You can do something to stop illegal dumping in our community! The resulting report from the survey results will bring awareness to the problem. The survey results will also determine where we erect signs during Phase 2, so this is your chance to have your voice heard!

For more information about the campaign or how to volunteer please contact us below. 

Sudbury Rainbow Crime Stoppers

705.675.9171 ext.5692