Hero's Luncheon
September 22, 2023

Please Join us for the 10th annual Hero's Luncheon. The Hero's Luncheon will be hosted at Embassy Suites on 1000 Woodward Pl NE on September 22, 2023. Please stay tuned for more details. 

28th Annual Cops for Kids
December 11, 2022

The holiday season is quickly approaching, and plans are being made for the 28th Annual Cops for Kids event. This event promotes collaborative partnerships between law enforcement agencies and their communities. Approximately one hundred and ten officers (110) will be paired up with underprivileged children for the day.
This event is based on available funding and is funded by donations and fundraising. If you would like to donate or know someone who would, select the donate button, from the drop-down menu you will select Cops for Kids. Donations can also be mailed to P.O. Box 3457, Albuquerque 87190. Donations are tax-deductible.
If you would like to check your child's eligibility to participate, please contact their school counselors.



Cops for Kids Facebook

27th Annual Cops for Kids
December 12, 2021

Donate to help support the 27th Annual Cops for Kids.
27th Annual Cops for Kids. The holiday season is quickly approaching and plans are being made for the 27th annual Cops for Kids event. Cops for Kids is a yearly event where officers are paired up with underprivileged children for the day.
On average (100-120), children are selected to participate in this Christmas event each year. Referrals for consideration come from the City of Albuquerque/Bernalillo after School Programs throughout the city and county. Children are selected based on certain criteria and available funding.
This years event will be on Sunday, December 12, 2021, and is often the only Christmas these children will have.
This has been a successful event for the past (26) years, because of community partners like you. Please consider sponsoring one or more children this year at a mere $100.00 per child. Your donation is tax-deductible. Donations can be made at crimestoppersnm.com (select Cops for Kids from the drop down menu) or you can contact Sonya Marquez at smarquez@cabq.gov or 505-917-6436.


26th Annual Cops for Kids
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Albuquerque Gun Buy Back
October 30, 2021

Albuquerque Gun Buy-Back

Saturday, October 30, 2021

9am - 1pm


Albuquerque Police Crime Lab

5350 2nd Street NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107


Gift cards will be given for unwanted firearms

$100.00 for revolvers and long guns

$150.00 for semi-automatic handguns and

$200.00 for assault rifles


Please place your unwanted firearm(s) unloaded in your trunk


For more information call Sonya Marquez at (505) 768-2256

APD hols gunbuy back event
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Glow in the Dark Golf Tournament
October 16, 2021

Golf Tournament Price List
Golf Tournament Registration Form
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Gun Buy Back
May 22, 2021

Albuquerque Gun Buy-Back
Saturday, May 22, 2021
9am - 1pm
Albuquerque Police Crime Lab
5350 2nd Street NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107
Gift cards will be given for unwanted firearms
$100.00 for revolvers and long guns
$150.00 for semi-automatic handguns and
$200.00 for assault rifles
Please place your unwanted firearm(s) unloaded in your trunk
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Cops for Kids

Cops for Kids is a program that provides children (ages 6 to 11) with the opportunity to spend the day with a police officer. The children are given a $100 Walmart gift card to purchase clothing and other necessities.


Children who are selected are nominated through APS Title 1 Homeless Project and local Law Enforcement. To help as many families as possible, if a family has received assistance through Cops for Kids in previous years, they are not eligible to participate in future events.


This has always been a successful event because of the officers and numerous volunteers who have donated their time to give back to their community.


Officers come from the Albuquerque Police Department, Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office, New Mexico State Police, Bosque Farms Police Department, University of New Mexico Police Department, Corrales Police Department and Laguna Police Department.




Cops for Kids is funded through donations, with every small donation Crime Stoppers and your local law enforcement can help brighten up a child’s holiday season. Please consider making a small donation. Your donation is tax deductible.


For more information, call Sonya Marquez (505) 768-2256

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