If you have any information about these crimes or any person(s) involved, you are urged to log on to our Tips Website at http://juneaucrimeline.com and submit a Web Tip .  You do not have to give your name.  CRIME LINE will pay a cash reward of up to $1000 if your tips provides results and, you can remain anonymous if you choose. 

Burglary From Unfinished Home on Ann Coleman Road
February 21, 2014

On February 3rd, 2014, a man reported a locked steel chest containing home building tools was taken from a home under construction in the 10000 block of Ann Coleman Road. The tools were worth about $2800.

One neighbor said there was a white truck at the home during the Superbowl on February 2nd. That witness described truck as being in new condition and another neighbor said the truck looked to be made in the mid-1990s. Witnesses agree the white pickup had a white canopy on it.

The size and weight of the tool chest would likely mean that at least two people were involved in the theft.

Child Endangerment
February 14, 2014

The Juneau Police Department is asking the public to assist with finding vehicles and witnesses who may have information about two open cases that concern the endangerment of children. JPD is investigating the possibility the two cases are linked.

On February 10th, 2014, JPD put out a press release concerning a possible child enticement incident that happened the previous Friday, on February 7th, 2014. That case involves two men in a Toyota pickup. The passenger offered an 11 year old girl a ride and she ran away.

Officers did locate a couple of vehicles thought as possibly involved and showed the girl pictures of those vehicles, which were not identified as the vehicle involved, but additional details emerged. The pickup is dark blue, but lighter than navy blue. The taillights were broken. The black canopy had the back window missing but the canopy had intact side windows. There was wood sticking out the back of the canopy. ‘Toyota’ is spelled out across the tailgate and the letters are partially missing, either faded or peeled off.

The driver of that pickup was in his fifties and had a black and gray beard. The passenger, the one who spoke to the girl, was Caucasian, in his thirties and wore an olive green baseball hat and a tan Carhartt coat.

The press release about this incident sparked a report from a man who saw what appeared to be an attempted child abduction in July of 2013. That incident was not reported to law enforcement due to a miscommunication between the witness and a person he told who he thought would report it for him. After hearing of the latest event he decided to personally come into JPD and report what he saw last summer.

The man reported that sometime between about July 12th and 19th of 2013, he was at the bus stop closest to Walmart along with two 8 or 9 year old girls he did not know. A man in a maroon Ford Ranger with Texas plates with a black canopy parked between the bus stop and the Walmart building. The driver was leaning back in the driver’s seat but the witness could see him watching the girls through the tinted back side window of the extended cab pickup.

The witness asked the girls if they knew that man and they said they did not. After about ten minutes, the man got out of the pickup and approached the girls, offering them a ride. The man was Caucasian, about six feet tall and thin, in his late 40s or 50s. He was also described as having black hair with some gray in it and a goatee. When the girls said "No" to the offer of a ride the man grabbed one girl by the arm and started pulling her toward the pickup.

The witness punched the man several times in the face and the girl broke away. Both girls then ran across the street into Switzer Trailer Park. JPD did not receive any reports from parents identifying the girls. Officers would like to speak with the two girls.

Storage Unit Burglary
February 07, 2014

Sometime between January 18th and January 28th, someone broke into a storage unit at 5434 Shaune Drive. The suspects took a Ruger M77 Hawkeye 7mm rifle with a scope and sling. The stock is black. They also took a case of Alaska Smoked Porter beer and a Macbook G4 computer among other items.

A suspicious vehicle was seen in the area on January 28th. The car was a blue Buick sedan similar to a 2002 model. The car contained two white males, one of whom was seen by a witness carrying a case of Alaska Smoked Porter beer and a bag that appeared to be heavy.

Theft of Vehicle Part
January 31, 2014

On or about January 21st, 2014, someone took a drivers side fender off a green 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee that was parked in the 1500 Block of North Douglas Highway. The fender is worth approximately $500.

The Juneau Police Department is asking the public to be alert to a vehicle that may have the stolen fender on it. In addition, the fender may have been hidden or dumped in a discreet location.

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Hotel Theft
January 24, 2014

On October 16, 2013, between midnight and 2:30 in the morning, someone took a Visio brand television, a bedspread, and a black bag containing clothing from a room at the Travelodge Hotel at 9200 Glacier Highway.

The suspect in the theft was caught on video surveillance but has not yet been identified. The suspect wore a black hooded sweatshirt, with a blue and white shirt under the sweatshirt. The individual also wore gray jeans and black shoes.

Drug Importation - Request for Tips
January 17, 2014

The Juneau Police Department’s Crime of the Week is on-going drug importation, especially oxycontin, heroin, and methamphetamine. The 2013 JPD drug seizure summary shows use of oxycontin, a synthetic opiate, is on the rise in Juneau. Crimeline is offering a drug specific reward up to $1500 for reliable reports of oxycontin importation. The amount of the reward depends on the amount of drugs at issue. Crimeline has a history of paying out multiple rewards for $500 for separate tips about oxycontin trafficking.

While heroin seizures dipped slightly in 2013, JPD remains very interested in information about heroin importation.

The third drug being featured is methamphetamine. This drug is also on the rise in Juneau. 760 grams were seized in 2013, up from 416 grams in 2012.

Halfway House Escape
January 10, 2014


The Juneau Police Department is asking for assistance from the public in locating a man who walked away from the Gastineau Human Services Halfway House on Aisek Street. On January 3rd, 2014, at about 5:52 in the evening, Derek McMillian, left the facility against staff instructions and after possibly taking drugs in a bathroom. McMillian left the building and ran to Glacier Highway and toward Western Auto.

McMillian is a 39 year old Hispanic man. He is six feet tall and 225 pounds. McMillian was last seen wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt, a green sweatshirt, and blue jeans.

McMillian has a lengthy criminal history in Florida and Alaska, which includes drug offenses, robbery, vehicle theft, and assault. His nickname, which is associated with drug offenses, is `Kilo`. If you see McMillian do not approach him and contact the Juneau Police Department immediately.

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Recent Robbery at Costco Parking Lot
January 03, 2014

On January 1st, 2014, at about 9:53 in the evening, the Juneau Police Department received a report that a 20 year old Juneau man was tazed, punched, and robbed by his friend, 29 year old Dustin Daley. The incident happened in the Costco parking lot. Daley allegedly took property from the 20 year old male victim, assaulting that victim and his 21 year old female companion who tried to defend the male victim when he was on the ground. Daley was accompanied by a man who participated in the assaults but has not yet been identified. According to one of the victims, Daley`s companion was wearing a dark hooded sweatshirt and a black mask with a skull on it. The man in the mask was reported to have had a handgun during the confrontation.

Daley and the unidentified man were in a silver Dodge pickup with four doors and a broken driver`s side window covered in plastic. The vehicle left the area and was later found in a neighborhood near the police department after an officer remembered seeing that pickup before near JPD. Daley was contacted at the vehicle but the gun and the other man were not located.

Information about this incident was not previously released as officers hoped to find the other man involved and the handgun but have so far been unsuccessful. Additionally, danger to the general public was considered minimal as the victim says the incident could have been over drugs and Daley says the confrontation was definitely over drugs. A Crown Royal bag containing what appears to be heroin, a white powder that could be an illegal drug, a marijuana pipe and marijuana was recovered from Daley`s vehicle. The mask with the skull on it was also recovered from that pickup.

JPD is seeking assistance in finding Daley`s male associate and the handgun that man reportedly had at the time of the assault. The male associate is probably someone who was regularly around Daley.

Daley was lodged at the Lemon Creek Correctional Center on a charge of robbery in the 1st degree, two counts of assault in the 4th degree, and one count of theft in the 3rd degree.

Theft at Foodland Grocery Store
December 27, 2013

On November 18th, 2013, two men between the ages of 24 and 34 talked a nightshift employee into letting them into the Foodland Grocery Store. The two men were wearing red polo shirts with IGA logos. The men approached the store between 1:30 and 2:00 a.m.. The employee who let the men in went back to his duties and about 15 minutes later the men in the red polo shirts had left.

The legitimate employee then found several cash drawers with broken locks. The drawers were stocked with change for business and there were deposit envelopes also secured in the drawers. The total loss is estimated at several thousand dollars.

A distant security camera did show two men wearing red polo shirts in the area at about 2:03 a.m.. One man was wearing khaki cargo pants. The other man was wearing black pants and a black jacket over his polo shirt.

Stolen Vehicle from the Nugget Mall Parking Lot
December 20, 2013


On December 17th, 2013, at about 7:00 in the evening, someone took a vehicle that was left unlocked and running in the Nugget Mall parking lot for about 15 minutes. The vehicle has an Alaska license plate, DGR924. The vehicle is a 1997 red Toyota 4 door car with previously acquired front end damage and is missing the front bumper cover. It was nearly out of gas at the time it was taken.

Prior to the theft, the vehicle owner saw a man near the vehicle who the owner described as a white male adult with a red and yellow hat and a heavy coat.

Patrol and community service officers have been looking for the vehicle but are concerned the search may have been complicated by heavy snowfall that could be covering all or part of the vehicle. Typically cars taken under these circumstances are used for a short time then abandoned.

JPD asks that drivers supervise vehicles that are unlocked and running to higher the foot traffic in the area, the more likely a vehicle will be taken as a crime of opportunity. Juneau residents have experienced several of these types of vehicle thefts over the years, including the theft of vehicles from driveways.

Vandalism to Liquor Store on Whittier Street
December 13, 2013

On December 3rd, 2013, at about 1:41 in the morning a man kicked the glass door of the liquor store on Whittier Street. The subject did not get into the business but did break the glass. Cost to replace the door was about $500.

There is a picture of the man from surveillance video but JPD has so far been unable to identify him and would like assistance from the public.

The picture is on juneaupolice.com under the Persons of Interest section.

Crimeline is committed to having a holiday season with no tragedies associated with people driving while intoxicated. The reward for reporting a DWI driver who is then arrested is doubled from December 13th, 2013 to January 13th, 2014. The reward will be $200 rather than the standard $100. If you believe you are eligible for such a reward call the Juneau Police Department and leave a message for the Investigations Unit Supervisor.

Burglary With Rifle Near Tongass Boulevard
December 06, 2013

On or about October 18th, 2013, someone entered a residence near Tongas Boulevard and took an HP laptop, an ipad, and a .223 Bushmaster rifle with EOTECH sights. The rifle and sights are valued at $3000. The sights have a military logo engraved on the side. The rifle was in a black hard case.

Construction Tools Theft
November 29, 2013

On September 5th, the Juneau Police Department was notified that construction items including floor model work lights, a Makita sawsall, two Ryobi drills and other items were taken from the Mendenhall Towers on or about August 30th. JPD has developed suspects in this investigation and is seeking information about where some of items might have been sold. The items could be associated with a large black bag.

JPD has had reports of multiple thefts of construction items including power saws, generators, drills, and hand tools. These thefts have taken place over the last year and usually involve property in storage areas and construction sites that are unoccupied at night. People that own this type of property, especially if it is stored outside a residence, are asked to mark the tools with the owner pictures that show unique markings on the items.

Vandalism near Floyd Dryden Middle School
November 22, 2013

On 11-14-13, during the early morning hours, someone broke into two storage sheds and took a security camera from Adair Kennedy Park, next to Floyd Dryden Middle School. The security camera is worth $150 and the door handles to both sheds will have to be replaced. The subject gained access to the shed containing baseball equipment but it is not known if he took any items. The suspect was not able to get into the other shed.

Pictures of the suspect where captured despite the theft of the camera since the video is stored away from the camera and there are multiple cameras. The suspect was in the area of Adair Kennedy Park between 0323 a.m. and 0719 a.m.. He left the area on a bicycle.

Chapel By The Lake Vandalism
November 15, 2013

On November 10th, at about 9:15 a.m., the Juneau Police Department was notified that overnight someone had vandalized The Chapel By The Lake chapel building. The chapel is in a separate log building from the main church building. The chapel is left open at night so that those who want to pray at the chapel or just get out of the weather and use the bathroom may use the facilities. On the night of November 9th, at 11:00 p.m., there was no damage to the building. By the next morning at 7:30 a.m., there was between two and three thousand dollars of damage. Someone had broken the sink in the bathroom off its bracket and turned on both water faucets. The damage was primarily to the bathroom fixtures and the carpet.

Series of Burglaries Involving Coins and Coin Operated Machines
November 01, 2013

On September 27th and on October 19th, the Juneau Police Department took reports of burglaries involving the laundry and showers at Auke Bay across Glacier Highway from the Auke Bay Harbor.

The suspect in the first burglary took over a $1000 in quarters. The suspect in the second burglary was identified as a thin male wearing a black hooded sweatshirt.

On November 1st, two similar burglaries were reported. At about 9:30 a.m., JPD received a report that overnight two change machines were damaged at Rainway Car Wash when someone apparently tried to break open the change machines but was unsuccessful. The suspect or suspect(s) did gain entry into the office and took $400 worth of quarters.

The second burglary reported also took place during the night between October 31st and November 1st. The suspect or suspect(s) took the coin box off a laundry machine in an apartment building in the Lemon Creek Area.

Juneau citizens are asked to take note of anyone in possession of a significant number of quarters.

Change machine Vandalism and Theft
October 25, 2013

On September 27th, at about 9:15 a.m., a man reported that the change machine at a coin operated laundry was destroyed and the money stolen. The theft and vandalism happened at the laundry that is in the same building as Squires have acquired over a thousand dollars in quarters. The vandalized machine cost about two thousand dollars to replace.

On October 19, 2013, at about 6:00 a.m. the coin machine was vandalized again and destroyed. The person did not manage to open the machine to retrieve any money. The video surveillance showed the man entered the business through a window and stayed the night inside from 11:00 p.m. on October 18th until about 6:00 a.m. the next morning when he tried to access the coin machine, doing significant damage to the outside with a claw hammer. A witness said a thin built male was noticed leaving the scene. He was wearing a dark hooded sweatshirt. He may have injuries to his hands.

It is possible the two crimes are linked but it is also possible there are two different suspects.

Theft at the Alaska Marine Highway Ferry Terminal
October 18, 2013

On August 21st, 2013, it was reported to the Juneau Police Department, that four tires were stolen off of a silver 2000 Dodge Neon while it was parked at the Alaska Marine Highway ferry terminal.

Vehicle Hit and Run / Crash on Taku Blvd.
October 16, 2013

On October 14th, 2013, at a few minutes after midnight, a man who lives on Taku Blvd reported a vehicle ran into a utility box on his property and fled the scene. The vehicle was reported as similar to a Toyota Tacoma. There was a black driver`s side mirror at the scene apparently broken off from the driver`s side door. There were several other pieces of black plastic that appeared to have been broken off the suspect vehicle at the time of the collision. Several companies that provide phone, cable, and electrical services reported damage to equipment. The total damage is about $12,500

Vehicle Vandalism at Aurora Harbor
October 11, 2013

On October 2nd, at about 8:00 in the morning, the Juneau Police Department received a report of 12 vehicles and one bicycle having tires slashed. The suspect is believed to have used a knife with a 3 inch blade that was found at the scene. The value of the tires is approximately $4000.

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