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Mr. Guerrero-Ramos is wanted on a District Court Bench Warrent for Failure to Comply with Conditions of Release on charges of Trafficking Controlled Substances (Distribution)(Narcotic or Meth)(1st Offense). [Subject has at least 3 outstanding warrants.]
Wanted as of 07/15/2014
Name: Guerrero-Ramos, Alfredo
Alias: Alfredo Guerrero-De La Crus
Gender: Male   Race: Hispanic
    Age: 31
Height: 5ft 8in   Weight: 180 lbs
Hair:  Black   Eyes: Brown
Last Known Address: Space #5 Las Colonias Mobile Home Park, El Prado, NM 87529
Warrant: D-820-CR-2014-00179
Has tattoos on his arms, chest and back.
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