The Nebraska State Patrol maintains the Missing Persons Clearinghouse pursuant to Nebraska State Statute 29-214.01. Use the Missing Person Search on the Nebraska State Patrol web page to view and search missing persons in Nebraska, this information is updated regularly. To report a person missing, or for case status inquiries please contact your local law enforcement agency. The Missing Persons Clearinghouse can not answer questions on the status of cases.
Walter Patterson-Black was last seen on May 12, 2016 in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. Mr. Patterson-Black has brown eyes, and gray hair,is 6’4″ tall, and weighs 175 lbs.
Mr. Patterson-Black was last seen wearing a tan baseball cap with dark bill, tan long sleeved plaid button down shirt, blue jeans, and leather shoes. Mr. Patterson-Black may have entered the North Platte River.