If you have any information about these crimes or any person(s) involved, you are urged to submit a tip via this website, call our TIPS line at 217-373-TIPS, or use our free P3 Tips mobile app. Crime Stoppers doesn't want your name, just your information. Crime Stoppers will pay a cash reward for information that leads to an arrest and you will always remain 100% anonymous.
NOTE - The date listed in the title is the date of the posting, not the crime.
Disclaimer: The information on this page was provided to Champaign County Crime Stoppers by local law enforcement. The information was valid at the time it was posted but may be subject to change without notice.
CRIMESTOPPERS and the Champaign Police Department are seeking assistance from the public regarding a Burglary to Motor Vehicle / Unlawful Use of Credit Cards.
On November 27, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. in the 1400-block of Parkview Drive, Champaign, a female reported her vehicle was entered and her purse stolen. Her purse contained her driver’s license and credit cards. The credit cards were used in multiple fraudulent purchases around the Champaign area.
The suspects were described as being a black male and a light skinned black female, both 15-20 years of age. The male offender was wearing a red/black/white Miami Heat stocking cap, black Nike hooded sweatshirt, and black pants. The female offender was wearing a black hooded coat with jeans on one occasion, and the same coat with Eastern sweatpants on another occasion.
The suspects were seen leaving the area in a dark blue or black sedan.
If you have any information, contact Crime Stoppers via the link below.
On January 27, 2016, at 10:20 p.m. a female was robbed and battered near her apartment in the 200 block of South Fourth Street, Champaign. The victim was transported to the emergency room for her injuries.
The suspects were described as black males, 18-20 years of age, 5’8” tall, clean shaven, with medium builds. Offender one was wearing a black or dark blue beanie and stocking cap, and dark clothing. Offender two had short hair and was wearing dark clothing. The suspects were seen leaving the area in a small white, newer model sedan.
If you have any information regarding this crime, please submit an anonymous tip using the link below.
This week CRIME STOPPERS and the Champaign Police Department are seeking assistance from the public regarding two recent armed robberies that occurred in the same general area by suspects that may possibly be related to both events.
On December 29, 2015, at 8:00 p.m. in the 300-blk of N Third Street, Champaign, a delivery driver reported being robbed while making a delivery. Three suspects battered the victim and stole his delivery money. The victim was transported to the emergency room for his injuries.All suspects were described as being black males. Offender one was approximately 6’2”, 150lbs, wearing a gray North Face type jacket. No further description was given for the other offenders.
On January 11, 2016, at 7:25 p.m. in the same 300-block of N Third Street, Champaign, a second delivery driver reported being robbed while making a delivery. Three suspects battered the victim and stole money from his vehicle, and one suspect may have been armed with a handgun. The victim was transported to the emergency department for his injuries. All suspects were described as being black males, 16-17 years of age, 5’5” tall, with medium builds. Offender one was wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt, gray sweatpants, and dark shoes. Offender two was wearing a blue hooded sweatshirt and black warm-up pants with white stripes. Offender three was dressed in all black.
If you have any information regarding who is responsible for these crimes, submit that information anonymously using the link below.
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Crime Stoppers and U of I Police are asking for the public’s assistance in identifying a suspect involved in the theft of a wallet containing credit cards that were later used to make several purchases at local stores.
On November 11, 2015 the victim reported her wallet was missing from a university building. The victim contacted her bank and was informed of several fraudulent transactions made with her debit card. Detectives were able to find video of the suspect making purchases with the victim’s debit card at several locations.
The suspect is described as a black female, 45-55 yrs. old. One of the videos shows the suspect making fraudulent purchases, she is seen wearing what appears to be a University Dining Service shirt and hat. Dining Services staff was unable to identify the suspect seen in the video.
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This week Crime Stoppers and the University of Illinois Police Department are seeking assistance from the public regarding a battery last month near campus. Surveillance video and stills of the suspects is provided with this post.
On December 13th, 2015, police issued a Campus Safety Notice and released security camera video of a battery which occurred earlier that day at 1:14 a.m. The offender is seen in the video running up from behind the victim, a U of I student, and striking the student in the back of the head. The blow caused the victim to collapse, and the student was taken to the hospital where he received treatment for serious facial injuries.
The offender is described as a black male with an average build, approximately 6 feet tall wearing a gray sweatshirt and matching gray sweatpants. The offender was last seen running southbound from the scene.
In the security camera footage, four people are seen walking together prior to the incident. One of those people is believed to be the offender. In another camera angle, the same four people are seen walking in two separate groups with some distance between them.
Security cameras also captured an image of a mid-2000s, dark green Chevrolet Tahoe leaving the area not long after the incident. Investigators believe those involved used the vehicle to leave the area. U of I Police investigators are releasing the images with hope that any of the four individuals believed to be involved can be identified.
Crime Stoppers and the Champaign County Sheriff’s Office is seeking assistance from the public regarding several Burglaries to Motor Vehicles that have occurred in the Village of Savoy. Since December of 2015, Sheriff’s Deputies have investigated over eleven (11) Burglaries to Motor Vehicles.
Recently, the Champaign County Sheriff’s Office investigated four (4) Burglaries to Motor Vehicles that occurred between December 30th, 2015 and January 2nd, 2016 specifically in the area of the 100-400 blocks of East Paddock Drive, Savoy. The vehicles burglarized were all unlocked and the suspect(s) stole loose change, cell phone car chargers, cosmetics, and personal photographs.
The Champaign County Sheriff’s Office would like to remind the public to lock their vehicles and to remove all valuables from their vehicles when not in use. Members of the public are also encouraged to report any suspicious activity to your local police agency or contact Champaign County Crime Stoppers.
If you have any information, contact Crime Stoppers via the link below.
On November 29, 2015 at approximately 11 p.m. an unknown subject fired a weapon at a residence in the 1200 block of West Bradley Avenue striking the residence. Again on December 7, 2015, at approximately 12:19 p.m. an individual fired a weapon striking two residences in the 1200 block of West Bradley Avenue. A dark colored, two door newer model sports car was seen fleeing the second incident.
If you have any information, contact Crime Stoppers via the link below
Between November 20-24, 2015, the University of Illinois Police Department took numerous reports of burglaries to motor vehicles that had occurred at the B4 Parking garage, located at 1201 W. University Avenue in Urbana. Several vehicles were entered and coins and a Bose subwoofer were taken. The suspect is described as a black male, 15-25 years of age, approximately 5’10”, 175 lbs, wearing a blue jacket with a hood with red or orange accents on the hood.
If you know anything about these crimes or the suspect, submit an anonymous tip using the link below.
Between November 20th and November 24th, 2015, the Champaign County Sheriff’s Office took numerous reports of criminal damage to property to include three separate arsons that occurred at “Meadow View Apartments” located at 2004 and 2006 Middletown Drive, Mahomet, Illinois. These incidents involved damage to vehicles in the parking lot and damage to interior common areas located within the respective apartment buildings. Almost all incidents occurred during the overnight hours.
If you have any information, contact Crime Stoppers via the link below
On November 17, 2015, at approximately 1:12 AM, Urbana Police responded to the 1200 Block of Hill Street for a report of a 911 call. Upon arrival, officers observed two offenders of an armed home invasion leaving the residence in a vehicle. The vehicle fled from police and officers engaged in a vehicle pursuit. During the vehicle pursuit, the vehicle stopped briefly and the passenger fled. The driver was arrested a short time later. He was identified as J.W. Fountain. The suspect, who was last seen running from the vehicle, was described as a black male approximately 5`9" tall, 160 lbs, wearing a black t-shirt, black hooded sweatshirt, and black pants.
If you know anything about this crime or the suspect, submit an anonymous tip using the link below.
A victim reported that sometime between August 5 and September 5, 2015, someone stole the driver’s license, a temporary check and credit cards from her purse. The victim discovered the theft after determining her checking account contained insufficient funds. The suspect used the victim’s driver’s license to cash the temporary check at an Urbana bank and subsequently made fraudulent purchases using the victim’s credit cards. A photo of the suspect who is described as a white female, approximately 5’7” and 140 pounds was recovered from video of the purchases.
If you know anything about this crime or can identify the suspect, submit an anonymous tip to Crime Stoppers using the link below.
On October 28, at approximately 10:59 a.m., Champaign Police responded to the First Financial Bank, located at 1611 S. Prospect Avenue for a bank robbery. An undetermined amount of currency had been taken by a suspect who was armed with a handgun.
The suspect is described as a black male, approximately 28 years of age, approximately 5’10” tall, approximately 175 pounds, with a goatee beard. The suspect wore eyeglasses and has pierced ears and a pierced nose. He was wearing an orange hard hat, a neon yellow vest over a dark colored hooded sweatshirt, dark colored pants and was last seen fleeing from the bank on foot
toward Prospect Avenue.
If you know anything about this crime, submit a tip anonymously below.
On October 21, at approximately 9:48 p.m., Champaign Police responded to the 1600 Block of Mayfair Road for a shots fired report. Upon arrival, officers discovered that three armed suspects had entered a home and after demanding the residents’ valuables, the suspects shot three people present in the home. The suspects, who were last seen running out of the front door, are described as:
Suspect 1: Black male, late teens, acne scars, 5’11”, wearing a dark-hooded sweatshirt and jeans
Suspect 2: Black male, 6’3” to 6’4”, medium build, wearing a red-hooded sweatshirt
Suspect 3: Black male, 6’1”, late teens
If you have any information, contact Crime Stoppers via the link below
CRIMESTOPPERS is seeking information regarding credit card fraud. On October 14, 2015, the victim used her credit card at several Champaign businesses. Fraudulent activity was later found on the credit card she used for those purchases although she had the actual credit card in her possession. A suspect seen on video that evening at a Champaign business completing a purchase on the credit card is described as a black male, late teens to early 20’s, wearing a blue hooded sweatshirt with the printed words “Las Vegas” across the front. He appeared to be accompanied by a second black male, also late teens to early 20’s with a stripe of blond hair on the right side of his head, wearing an orange coat.
If you have any information, contact Crime Stoppers via the link below
Urbana Police are seeking information in regards to the following theft that occurred at Pard’s Western Shop.
Sometime between September 5, 2015 and September 6, 2015, a suspect, or group of suspects, forced entry into a locked semi-trailer parked in the parking lot at Pard’s and stole nearly $30,000 of merchandise. The stolen merchandise included various clothing apparel and horse-related items.
The Urbana Police Department is seeking any information you may have with regards to these crimes. If you have any information, contact Crime Stoppers via the link below
Crime Stoppers is seeking information regarding the indecent solicitation of a child.
On 9/1/15, at approximately 11:45 am, a 14 year old female was walking home on Hedge Road, just north of Bradley Avenue. As she was walking, a man pulled up alongside her in a blue utility truck. The man then propositioned the female juvenile in an indecent solicitation. The female juvenile told the man "No." He then exited the truck and inappropriately touched her. The female juvenile ran to her house and the man drove away northbound on Hedge Road.
The suspect vehicle was described as a newer model, crew cab (4 door) dark blue utility pickup truck in good condition with an unknown construction logo on the driver`s side. The truck had a ladder and a silver box in the bed of the truck. The license plate number is unknown.
The suspect was described as a white male, stocky build, with brownish-gray hair, approximately 5`08" and had a burn mark on his left cheek. He was wearing a gray shirt, denim jeans, black boots and a silver watch.
The Champaign Police Department
is seeking any information you may have with regards to these crimes.
If you have any information, contact Crime Stoppers via the link below
This week CRIMESTOPPERS is seeking information regarding a Deceptive Practice investigation.
On 8/31/15, a male entered the Walgreens on North Lombard in Mahomet, and attempted to make a purchase using multiple fraudulent credit cards. The suspect attempted to use several cards to purchase Visa gift cards. Several were declined before he offered a credit card that was accepted. The suspect had at least seven different credit cards in his possession. The credit card number that was accepted belonged to a Mahomet resident. The resident was in possession of the original card.
The male is described as having a darker complexion, approximately six feet tall, weighing about 175 pounds, with black hair. The suspect arrived in a newer, black Chrysler or Dodge sedan.
An attempt to use the same credit cards was made earlier that day in the Walgreens, at Five Points, in Urbana.
The Mahomet Police Department is seeking any information you may have with regards to these crimes.
If you have any information, contact Crime Stoppers via the link below
Champaign police are asking for the public’s help in identifying a suspect in an Armed Robbery that occurred on September 7, 2015 at 4:43 a.m. The suspect robbed a 21 year old female in the 400 block of East White Street. The suspect then walked with the victim into the County Market at 331 East Stoughton and used her debit card to withdraw money. The victim was released unharmed.
The suspect is described as a black male, approximately 25 years of age, 5’7”, 140 pounds, wearing a black shirt, blue jeans and a black head wrap.
If you have any information, contact Crime Stoppers via the link below.On August 4th, 2015, the Champaign County Sheriff’s Office took a report of a theft that occurred at 900 E CR 2400 N in Condit Township. CCSO Deputies learned that sometime overnight, between August 3rd and August 4th, 2015, unknown suspect(s) took a 2002 Ford F-250 white colored “Cross Construction” pickup truck, a 1978 black framed homemade trailer, along with a Caterpillar Skid Steer with an attached black colored Caterpillar high flow wheel saw from the aforementioned location. The total value of the property that was stolen is $53,000.00.
On August 25th, 2015, the Champaign County Sheriff’s Office took a report of a theft that occurred at 811 W. Ford Harris Road in Hensley Township. CCSO Deputies learned that sometime overnight, between August 24th and August 25th, 2015, unknowns suspect(s) took a Troy-Bilt 27 ton log splitter from the aforementioned location. The total value of the property that was stolen is $1,400.00.
Both cases involve heavy equipment and are possibly related.
Champaign police are asking for the public’s help in identifying two suspects who stole luggage from a bus. The incident occurred August 18th, 2015 at approximately 9:00 p.m. The victim had her luggage stolen from a Peoria Charter bus while it was dropping passengers off at the Illinois Terminal. The suspects stole multiple items from the luggage including several pieces of jewelry and a camera.
The suspects are described as two black males approximately 18-20 years old. One male appeared to have a short afro hair cut and was wearing a white and gray polo, blue jeans, and red shoes. The second male had long braided hair and was wearing a white T shirt, camouflage shorts, and blue shoes.Page 23 of 32 | 639 Records | Prev | Next |